With a definite taste for volume, we have also become involved with Patrice Besse, a real estate agency dedicated to properties with character and history and the first in France to be internationally decorated for its work. The IIPP, International Institute for Promotion and Prestige, presented their “International Recognition for protecting Cultural and Architecture Heritage” award to the Patrice Besse Group at the UNESCO head office.

To seek out, introduce, promote and market selected pieces of Parisian architecture and its surrounding areas, such are the foundations of our profession, practiced without any preconceived notions of size or location, but with one key word : character.


Nourrissant un goût certain pour les volumes, nous nous sommes également engagés auprès de Patrice Besse, une agence immobilière dédiée aux biens de caractère et d’histoire et la première à s'être vue décerner un prix international, remis à l'UNESCO par l'IIPP, Institut international de promotion et de prestige, au titre de "la Reconnaissance internationale pour la sauvegarde du Patrimoine Culturel et Architectural".

Trouver, faire connaître et présenter à la vente des morceaux choisis de l'architecture parisienne et de ses proches environs, tels sont donc les fondements de notre métier, exercé sans a priori de taille ni de lieu, mais avec un maître mot : caractère.

Paris 6e

An elegant 73 m² duplex flat with a dual exposure on the top floors,
a few steps from the Bon-Marché in the 6th arrondissement of Paris

Paris 6e

In the Notre-Dame-des-Champs district, next to the “Jardin des Grands-Explorateurs”,
a 52 m² flat on the 6th floor of 19th century building

Paris 2e

A 160 m² family flat in an 18th century house
between Salle-Favart and the Passage-des-Panoramas


Paris 7e

A 52 m² commercial property at the foot of an Art-Nouveau building
in a conservation area on the Left Bank, close to the Jardin Catherine-Labouré

Paris 6e

A delightful, bright 43m² upper-floor apartment on
the elegant Parisian street Rue du Cherche-Midi

Paris 1er

A 44 m² flat on the 4th floor of a Louis XV building between Place Colette
and the Molière fountain in the Palais Royal district of Paris

Paris 2e

A 113 m² family flat in an 18th century building
between Rue-Vivienne and Rue-Richelieu in the very centre of the French capital


Paris 3e

In the Arts-et-Métiers district,
on the old ‘Butte des Trois-Moulins’ hill,
an 84 m² full-width flat in an Empire style mansion block


Paris 1er

On the 4th floor of an 18th century building,
a bright, 84 m² flat,
dominating the “Théâtre des Petits Comédiens”, very near to Palais-Royal gardens


Paris 11e

A 108m² apartment with a small garden and paved terrace in a private street nestled in the Folie-Méricourt district of the French capital’s eleventh arrondissement


Paris 6e

An art studio in a listed building
near to Luxembourg Gardens
in Paris’ Odéon district


Paris 18e

A 68 m², Art Nouveau style flat,
with the Sacré-Coeur on the horizon,
on the edge of Montmartre hill in the Clignancourt district